
Your Event Partner. For all.

20.000 Squaremeterpossibilities

The Location. For Promoters.

Switzerland has a number of indoor arenas capable of hosting 10.000 guests. However, St. Jakobshalle Basel is more than that.

With a total of eleven separate venues, as well as a generous Foyer, a VIP Corner and a Business Corner, you will find perfect conditions on 20.000 m2 to host practically any type of event on our premises, be it a public mega-event, a conference, or a workshop seminar. We are your competent and reliable partner supporting you from initial ideas through to completion.

St. Jakobshalle Basel, located on a trinational border triangle between Switzerland, Germany and France, has been the ideal location to host a wide variety of events since the year 1976. After extensive renovation works have been completed in 2018, it is now one of the most modern and versatile venues in Europe, offering functional single-source solutions.

The St. Jakobshalle Basel offers outstanding conditions for your event. The new balcony adjoining the VIP Corner, for example, lets your guests directly access to the large Arena. The various halls and rooms can be used individually or in combination as required. This makes it feasible to set up large sporting events with additional training and competition halls, as well as providing sophisticated catering infrastructure and a Media Centre, or to hold different events under one roof at the same time.

Our highly experienced Event Management Team in-house team will assist you with the planning of your next event. We are personally committed, technically versatile and run our own catering department.

Event Management

The Event Management Department of St. Jakobshalle Basel has the expertise to help you organise your next event with efficient solutions coming from a single source.

Make use of central coordination and interdisciplinary cooperation starting from initial contact to planning, from implementation to post-processing. St. Jakobshalle Basel ensures trouble-free exchange of information between all specialist areas and guarantees best end-to-end customer care.

Our experienced event management team is your central point of contact. Coordinate your next event with the event manager responsible for you.

He will help you manage: the creation of a seating plan to be used in all ticketing systems, the planning and coordination of all in-house services, and the successful execution of your event – in other words, all the steps needed to create a successful event.

For a non-binding appointment to view our premises, please contact our Event Management of the St. Jakobshalle Basel or send us your booking request.

The right Place for unique Highlights.

Just book your next event at the most versatile venue in Switzerland. Once we have received your request, we will contact you immediately.

Use the enquiry form to book your next event easily in the most multifunctional hall in Switzerland, or contact us at or +41 61 317 82 22. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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Marketing & Communication

Reach your audience without unnecessary detours: The MarCom Department of St. Jakobshalle Basel cleverly connects you with your target group.

We are the leading event location in the region of north-western Switzerland. As such, St. Jakobshalle Basel can offer a number of top options to communicate directly with your target audience. The impressive advertising tower in front our premises, for example, is clearly visible from all sides and can be booked in advance of any event. Additionally, you have ways to promote your event on several in-house screens and three APG screens at the tram stop «St. Jakob» or to make use of our social media channels, from initial advertising to follow-up.

In cooperation with selected partners, we also provide advertising services tailored to your needs. Learn more about the various services available by contacting the Marketing & Communication Department.


Technical Department

Personal on-site support by experienced professionals and operational implementation in conjunction with the project and department managers in charge: St. Jakobshalle Basel will do everything in its power to ensure the successful realisation of your production.

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Our well-coordinated technical crew of skilled craftsmen knows the potential and the possibilities of every hall and every facility and is here to help you implement your event in a highly professional manner. St. Jakobshalle Basel ensures the smooth exchange of all specialist areas and thus guarantees continuous customer care with viable solutions from one single source.

Flexible stage and grandstand systems are fully adapted to your needs and stages are built to measure according to your wishes (HOAC elements). In addition, extensive furniture and professional technical audio/video equipment for conferences, seminars, press conferences or lecture events round off the range of services.

St. Jakobshalle Basel has licensed in-house electricians for all high-voltage and low-voltage connections. The plumbers are responsible for all corresponding installations. Services in this department also include a qualified cleaning crew, professional maintenance systems and a central reception desk, as a first point of contact for everyone and everything.

Useful information and technical details can be found in the Login Area. For further questions, please contact your event manager directly, who will establish the appropriate contact.


For any type of event starting from 50 up to 12.000 guests and for any type of budget: St. Jakobshalle Basel’s Gastronomy Department offers high-quality culinary catering options, in conjunction with its partners. And we are able to customise these options to meet the specific wishes and requirements of your guests.

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Add an extra dimension to your event and make it even more memorable for your guests, partners and customers. St. Jakobshalle Basel is equipped with a modern infrastructure in order to meet even the most demanding requirements. The hospitality area can be separated from the public area in both the access and service areas, if required.

We work exclusively with referenced partners throughout the entire supply chain, from suppliers to all service providers. The catering department of St. Jakobshalle Basel is subdivided into the following three catering areas:

VIP/Corporate Events

A number exclusive areas and spaces, some with a direct view of the stage in the Arena, can be offered to your VIP guests:

  • VIP Restaurant
  • Business Corner
  • VIP Corner / VIP Balcony
  • Dine & View
  • Foyer with eight units for stand-up Dinner or Apéro Riche

A fully equipped commercial kitchen, capable of handling daily capacities of up to 3.000 people, is located in the immediate vicinity of the above-mentioned guest areas. This kitchen is designed to guarantee the perfect handling, starting from delivery to preparation to distribution and serving. Corporate Events can generally be held in every hall.


St. Jakobshalle Basel provides autonomous public catering in the units provided for this purpose, in conjunction with its established partners. The catering on offer is always customised in advance and adapted to a specific event. Eight catering boxes in the Foyer are used for larger public events. Most of these are equipped with cooking facilities. The type of catering on offer is showcased to customers via fitted screens. All gastro-boxes are equipped with a cash register system, enabling quick payment transactions with all regular cash-free payment methods.

The Foyer is equipped with bar tables and occasional seatings in compliance with the applicable safety regulations. For very large events, St. Jakobshalle Basel offers additional mobile catering facilities in the entrance area of the Foyer and under the canopy outside the main Arena. For the sake of the environment, reusable crockery and a deposit system are used exclusively in the public area.


Catering for staff and artists takes place in separated, private areas, not visible to the public. Exhibitors may not be catered for in the staff area. The staff catering is exclusively not bound by current supplier and partner contracts, allowing promoters or artists to choose their own caterers. All regulatory requirements (food law, protection of minors, customs regulations, reusable crockery, etc.) must be observed.

The backstage area has a small, separately accessible kitchen unit, equipped with all necessary electrical and sanitary connections, as well as a washing-up area. Only persons with the appropriate accreditation are allowed in this area. Hall 4 is used for the purpose of larger staff catering, as it has a back-office room equipped with the necessary sanitary facilities and the usual electrical connections.

Contact our Gastro Team to discuss your specific requirements. You will find further information and technical details in the Login Area.








Security or safety: St. Jakobshalle Basel relies on targeted use of specialists and highly trained personnel in all essential sectors.

The Security Department is responsible for drawing up a security concept in cooperation with the organisers, taking into account current legal requirements such as crowd management or fire protection.

In the area of security, the hall draws on the experience of professional Priority partners. Under the supervision of the Security Department, they are responsible for access and ticket control as well as evacuation and can also be hired for other security tasks.

Die Einbindung der Blaulichtorganisationen in alle Sicherheitsdispositive ist selbstverständlich. Der Bereich Sicherheit wird durch moderne Haussicherheitsstrukturen wie Schliesstechnik, Kameraüberwachung und Sicherheitsleitsysteme vervollständigt.